Getting Your Dog Ready for Pet Portraits
Dog Day 2012 is fast approaching and I have a few tips for getting your dog ready for her upcoming pet portrait session.
The first (and most important) point that I must bring up revolves around the safety of all of the pets. Although there will be some really great staff members from the Dog Daycare around to help, the primary responsibility for keeping your dog under control lies with you. Please keep your dog on a leash at all times until we are ready for you in the doggy portrait studio. Only then will we take charge and look after your dog. But even then we will ask that you remain close at hand to help, just in case…
Here are a few other great tips that will help to make sure your dog looks and feels great for her pet portrait session:
- Wash your pet or take her to the groomer a couple of days before Dog Day. Brush her well a couple of times a day after her bath to try to get the loose hairs out of her coat so they aren’t sticking up during the session (and so they don’t make a mess of my backdrop!).
Take her for a good walk or a long play before the session. This will help to take the edge off of her energy and make her a little more likely to relax in the studio area.
- Make sure your dog has time for a potty break immediately before your photography appointment. This is especially important if she is likely to have an accident if she gets excited when meeting new people or other dogs.
- Bring a few of your dogs favorite treats or a toy that she responds to. These are often helpful to get her attention during the session.
Finally, immediately prior to your appointment please wipe around your dog’s mouth and eyes to remove any tear stains or bits of food left over from her last meal. Please also wipe down her feet before she steps into the studio area. It’s much easier to clean these things up in real life than it is to hope we can do it in Photoshop.
I hope this information has been useful, but if you have any other questions about Dog Day, please feel free to ask? Contact Sean at 403-615-3708 or
Online Registration is now available on our scheduling page.
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