Dog Day Frequently Asked Questions
Here are answers to some of the most common questions about the upcoming Dog Portrait Day on April 13th.

Q1 – Do I need to register in advance?
Yes. You will have to choose your package when you do so, but you will have an opportunity to select the image(s) to be used before they are printed. There will be many other sizes and options available to purchase after the session, but there are also a couple of really great upgrade options available at special prices for advance bookings. These products will also be available afterwards, but they will cost more if you wait… Samples will be on display at the Dog Daycare.
Q2 – Do I get to pick the images used in my package?
Yes. You will have to choose your package when you register, but you will have an opportunity to select the image(s) to be used before they are printed.
Q3 – I have two dogs, can I bring both of them?
You can definitely bring both dogs and we will try to get great individual shots of both of them and some of them together as well. There is always the possibility that they simply won’t cooperate in the few minutes that we have with them, so I can’t promise anything.
Q4 – I have 3/4/5 dogs, can I bring all of them?
Each 10 minute session can include up to 2 dogs. If you want to include more dogs then please book multiple sessions. Keep in mind that the more dogs we try to bring together the harder it will be to get them to cooperate and to make great images of each of them.
You should decide in advance whether it is more important to have individual images or a great group shot, and we will start with the priority.
Q5 – I have two dogs, can they both be shown on the 3-image Wall Panel?
The wall panel has room for 3 images and you can choose any of the photos from your session to fill those spots.
Q6 – Do we get the digital files?
Digital files are available for purchase, but they are not included in the session fee.
Q7 – Can I order other print sizes?
There will be a wide variety of additional print sizes, specialty products, and digital files available after the session. These will be at a discount to our normal studio rates for 2 weeks following the session, after which they will go back up to our normal prices.
Q8 – Is a tax receipt available for the Donation to Pals?
Yes! Tax receipts are available for any donation in excess of $25. Volunteers from PALS will be onsite throughout the day to collect your donations (taking cash, cheques, Visa, and MasterCard) and to answer your questions about the organization.
If you have any questions about Dog Day, please feel free to ask? Contact Sean at 403-615-3708 or

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