Color Palettes from Design Seeds

Complimentary Colors for Family Portraits

Almost all of my portrait clients ask me what they should wear for their portrait session. I seriously mean all of them! From business headshot clients, to commercial portrait clients, all the way to family and children’s photography session clients.

I always have a few simple suggestions:

1. Wear comfortable clothes (it will show on your face if you aren’t comfortable)
2. Please don’t wear clothes with really bold stripes or patterns. Please.
3. Try to wear clothes that have complimentary colors to the other members of your group. This doesn’t mean that everyone has to wear the exact same thing, but the colors definitely shouldn’t clash either.

If you follow these tips then your entire group will look great and we will be able to create some beautiful portraits that you will want to hang on your walls!

Sample Color Palettes

With family portrait season (both fall and summer) in full swing I wanted to help with some inspiration for you to pick out complementary clothing colors for every member of your family.

One of my favorites sites for identifying complimentary colors that really work well together is Design Seeds. The creator of the site is a professional designer and she is constantly rolling out new sample palettes that can be used to provide inspiration for just about any project that involves color selection, including family portrait sessions!

Here are 3 recent summery color palettes that will work for just about any family this summer or fall, even for those family members that really don’t like to experiment with bold colors!

You can see the original articles for each of these palettes at the following links (left to right):

Holiday Sparkle –

Fresh Cut Color –

A Door Hues –

Book a Calgary Family Photographer

When was the last time you had a beautiful portrait made with your family? Late summer and early fall are my favorite times of the year to get outside with my family portrait clients. The weather is beautiful in Calgary and there is no better time to book an outdoor portrait session for your family than right now!

Family and children’s portrait sessions can include all the important people (and pets) in your lives, and they can be done at your favorite park, out on the prairie, or even at your home. Studio sessions are also available.

I still have plenty of great dates available in September and October (don’t wait too long unless you want a snowy session!). If you don’t know exactly what you want then I can help you to pick the perfect time and location.