Portrait Photography

Portraits of Danielle and her Violin

I had a really fun studio portrait session recently with a family friend. Danielle has always been a real sweetheart and when her mother asked if we could do some portraits while she played the violin I immediately agreed. I've known for a long time that she has been taking music lessons, but I had no idea just how much she loves to play. I was amazed by how good she is and I really enjoyed hearing her play. There are so many cliches about kids learning to play the violin and what they sound like, but none of those apply here. Danielle is truly talented and her music made the session go by very quickly. I'm really looking forward to another opportunity to make some images of Danielle and her violin. We have tentatively agreed to do another session very soon, but the next one will be outside instead of in the studio. Hopefully the Calgary weather will cooperate and we can make it happen soon! Stay tuned for more images...

2010-09-15T10:42:39-06:00By |Portrait Photography, Studio|

Slideshow with more Portraits of Andrew

There were so many more great moments from my impromptu portrait session with Andrew the other day that I had to package them up in a slideshow to show some more of them. I know he's my kid, and that I'm very biased here, but you have to admit that he really is very cute. This is totally unscripted as I just asked him to sit in the chair so that I could take a couple of pictures. He did the rest... Sometimes the best thing a photographer can do when things are going well is to just get out of the way and start making images!

2010-09-15T10:43:09-06:00By |Studio|

Slideshow of Baby Alexis

I'm still getting the kinks worked out of the client proofing area of the website so I'm not ready to display the whole gallery of images from my session with Alexis the other day, but in the meantime I did put together a beautiful slideshow of some of the images. Check it out and let me know what you think.

2011-08-26T00:02:59-06:00By |Newborn|

Portrait Session wth Baby Alexis

I was very lucky to have a good friend of mine (who I haven't seen very often recently) come by with her 3 month old baby girl for a portrait session. Alexis is the sweetest little princess ever. She didn't share very many smiles with us during the session, but she didn't cry very much either so everything went very smoothly. Here is one of my favorite images from the session, and as it happens so often it was one of the last images I made. I have quite a few others that I'm excited about but I haven't had a chance to edit them all yet, so this image is just a teaser for now!

2011-03-17T23:54:40-06:00By |Newborn|