Portrait Photography

Baby Art

While processing some images from recent newborn photography session I was playing around with some ideas I've had for awhile to display some of the images of the extra details. In this case I had a great set of images including baby's ear, hand, and feet. I thought they looked really great in black and white, and I wanted a way to show them off all together, so I created a clean panoramic layout that included all three images. I love the resulting image and I think it would look great in a large format print with a simple black frame. What do you think? How else would you like to see your images displayed?

2011-03-18T00:01:21-06:00By |Newborn, Product|

Family Portrait Session

I was honored to be invited to create some family and individual portraits for some old friends. They asked me for studio style portraits of their youngest child to match some images they already had of their older child, and also some indoor and outdoor portraits of the entire family. I have a portable studio (including backdrops and lighting gear) that I can set up anywhere, so we turned their living room into a photography studio! I made portraits of both of the children individually and with their parents, and then the whole family together against a black background. The black background is very dramatic images and I really love black and white images created against it. After finishing up inside we went outside to take advantage of a beautiful fall day in Calgary. They live in a prime location adjacent to a very scenic "green" space. I have to put green in quotes because, although the session was completed in early September, the fall colors had already fully arrived. The weather was fantastic and the scenery was perfect to make some lovely fall portraits of the family! I love doing this kind of session where there's lots of variety and the images are all very different. It was a very fun session and it was great hang out with my friends! On a related note... Fast forward only a couple of weeks later to today and the fall colors are already peaking. If you're thinking about getting some fall portraits made this year I would really recommend that you book your session soon. The nice weather is supposed to hold for a little while longer, but the leaves will only stay on the trees [...]

2010-09-29T23:41:24-06:00By |Lifestyle, Studio|

High Energy Portrait Session with Miss B

I had a great session with Miss B at Prince's Island Park. B is an amazing little girl who never stops moving. She has boundless energy and loves to run and play. It was all I could do to focus her energy in a direction that I could use. Actually getting her to stop moving was virtually impossible. It made for some really fantastic (and very spontaneous) images. Thanks to B for letting me intrude on her playtime! Client access to the password protected galleries from this session is now available in the client area.

2010-09-28T18:07:08-06:00By |Lifestyle|

Baby Malcolm

My really great friend Carol recently came to Calgary to visit with her new nephew Malcolm. She invited me over for a visit and to make some portraits of baby Malcolm and the rest of the family. It was really nice to meet Malcolm and to have such a great visit with great friends. My own family also came along to have a visit with Carol and her family and of course everyone wanted to get involved in the photo shoot. I wouldn't normally have my family around during a session with clients, but this one was a special case! It was one of the craziest sessions I've ever had and it was repeatedly interrupted every few minutes as all the kids trampled through the set. It became and extended photo shoot and I gave all the kids balloons to play with and tried to capture the joy of the moment... Eventually we sent most of the observers away to the park down the street so that I could get some real quality time with Malcolm and his parents. Heather and Trevor were very patient throughout the session and we made some really great images after everything settled down. It was quite peaceful and much more relaxed after the chaos of the kids running around, and Malcolm was a happier baby too. Naturally the session ended shortly after the kids came back from the park... It was great to see everyone and to meet Malcolm too. Thanks to everyone involved for just going with the flow of the changing situation. Sometimes it's just like that with families with kids and I'm glad that everyone handled it so well!

2011-03-18T00:01:37-06:00By |Newborn|

More Portraits of Danielle and her Violin

Here are a few more photos from my session with Portrait of Danielle and her Violin from a couple of weeks ago. I had a really hard time choosing between all the images that I made. This was such a fun session and I think the images speak for themselves...

2010-09-15T10:42:46-06:00By |Studio|