
Family Fun – Snow Fort

Sometimes when it snows a lot you simply need to enjoy it. Louise and the kids took advantage of the massive pile of snow in our front yard and built the best snow fort ever.

2013-12-21T14:57:47-07:00By |Lifestyle|

Ready for a Winter Portrait Session?

Snowshoeing at Lake Minnewanka Outdoor Family Portrait Sessions in Calgary We've had a wacky winter here in Calgary and it's been pretty hard to convince anyone that we should go outside for a Family Portrait Session. The simple truth is that I love to shoot outdoors all year round and the weather has to be pretty terrible to stop me. But I also have to go where my clients want me to go, and when the weather is wishy washy, not really winter but also not really nice, then they usually don't want to go outside... But now that we have a beautiful blanket of fresh snow covering all the dirt and muck there's no better time to get outside for a Family Portrait Session. Call Sean at 403-615-3708 to book your session today. Book a Family Portrait Session 5 Reasons to Book an Outdoor Session Right Now If you're still not entirely convinced then have a quick look at this article by a portrait photographer friend of mine from Alaska: 5 Reasons to have a Snow Session in the Spring The reasons for booking an outdoor family photography session right now apply equally well in Calgary as they do in Fairbanks! Book a Portrait Photography Session Book a Family Portrait Session Book a Commercial Photographer Book a Calgary Headshots Session

2016-03-24T10:41:22-06:00By |Family, Lifestyle|

Slideshow: Family Portrait Session

A slideshow of images of Baby Althea and her Family from a recent Calgary Family Portrait Session. This was a Lifestyle Portrait Session that I did in their home. It was very relaxed and we took lots of time to ensure that the Baby was as happy and comfortable as possible. It was great to meet her and an honor to be able to do this session with the family! I'm still working up the images but they will be in the client area of the website soon!

2011-04-16T08:51:36-06:00By |Lifestyle|

Personal – Holidays

It's been pretty quiet around these parts for the last few weeks... I was extremely busy from mid November through mid December trying to make sure that all my existing Calgary clients had all the gift prints and portraits that they needed ready to go in plenty of time for Christmas. And then I went on holidays myself. I've been very fortunate to be able to take a nice long break through the holiday period to spend lots of time with my family, and I've hardly even thought about photography in that time. Of course I've made plenty of images of my kids enjoying Christmas and spending lots of time with their cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents, etc., but for me that hardly counts at all since I do that all the time anyway. It has been a really nice break and I'm feeling energized and ready to start the new year. I've got a few fun photography projects that are already in the works and plenty of other ideas for new and exciting things to offer in the coming weeks and months. I'm really looking forward to the coming year and I hope that you will be there with me! I thought I would share a few images that I made on a recent trip to the park with my kids (mostly to try to keep the crickets and moths away from this site). These images are very typical of a lifestyle portrait session that I do with children and families. One major difference is that I forgot to bring a comb to clean up my daughter's hair. Oh well, she's still beautiful even with messy hair! The park is in Winfield that and adjacent [...]

2011-02-11T11:09:45-07:00By |Lifestyle, Personal|