Pet Photography

Dog Portrait Day 2011 Afternoon Times

Online Registration is now available on our scheduling page. Afternoon times are now available! We had initially planned to hold the afternoon appointments for Dog Day 2011 until all the morning had booked up; however, several people have expressed interest in booking in the afternoon instead of the morning. So I have gone ahead and opened up the entire afternoon... Please go ahead and schedule your preferred time! For all the details and information about our upcoming Dog Photography event, please check out the Pawsitively Portraits: Dog Day at Pawsitively Natural page.

2019-02-11T12:40:33-07:00By |Pet Photography|

Dog Day Announcement: Pawsitively Portraits

We are very happy to present a Studio Photography day dedicated to your furry friends! We know how important your dogs are to you and that it is equally important for you to be able to show off some wonderful pictures of them! This is another Calgary Pet Photography event we're running in conjunction with Pawsitively Natural Dog Daycare & Training Academy. This is a great opportunity for you to get some beautiful portraits of your pet friend(s) at amazing prices while also supporting a local Calgary based charity. When: Saturday, March 19 · 10:00am - 4:00pm (by appointment) Where: Pawsitively Natural Dog Daycare, 1313 - 16 Avenue SW in Calgary) For all the details and information about our upcoming Dog Photography event, please check out the Pawsitively Portraits: Dog Day at Pawsitively Natural page.

2014-09-12T17:12:40-06:00By |Pet Photography|

Results from Pawsitively Dog Park Portrait Day

In my head I thought that I had posted these images already, but while going back through the blog today I realized that I hadn't done so. In fact I discovered a few other sessions that I had intended to post that aren't there either, so I'll have to get around to doing those ones soon too! Anyway, these images are from a special pet photography promotion that I ran in conjunction with the great people over at Pawsitively Natural Dog Daycare & Training Academy. We met at River Park off-leash park for some fun with the dogs and some pet portraits for their humans. It was very cold out that morning but it was a beautiful day and we got some great results! I'm looking forward to doing more of these dog park portrait days in the spring and summer. If you're interested in having some portraits made with your pets then either stay tuned, or feel free to give me a call anytime and we can set something up. If you've been following along on the blog you'll no doubt realize that I've done a couple of events with Pawsitively Natural, and there will definitely be more to come. Stay tuned for details about a really great charity fundraiser coming up!

2011-01-24T17:36:46-07:00By |Pet Photography|

Earl and Bella

I've been doing lots of pet photography lately and I had a great visit with Earl the Pug, and Bella the Staffordshire Terrier, in my studio. These dogs are both beautiful and they were wonderful models! It's been awhile since we've had a dog around the house and my daughter Melanie was very excited when these gentle friends arrived. She appointed herself their caretaker and made she they were comfortable and doing what they were supposed to be doing. She also helped to get each dogs attention and make sure they were looking at the camera when I wanted them too. It was a very fun session and I'm looking forward to doing a lot more dog photography sessions coming up. A few of my favorite images from the session are found below, and more are in the Client Area.

2011-01-05T22:01:56-07:00By |Pet Photography|

Pet Portraits at Pawsitively Natural Dog Daycare

Pet photography is lots of fun and so I was very excited while getting ready for this shoot. I got to hang out with a dozen dogs at Pawsitively Natural Dog Daycare. We started out by going for a long walk with 9 of the dogs. It was the first big snow day of the year in Calgary and so the outdoor shots were a little challenging due to the cold and the snow. We went back inside the daycare afterwards for some more pet playtime. One of the key images that I was trying to create was a shot of Eric (the owner of the day care) with all of the dogs spread out around him while they went for a walk. In my original vision of this shot there were beautiful leaves in their golden fall colors all around us. Sometimes you have to adapt to the reality of the sitution, and I'm actually really happy with the snowy images that were available to us! I have posted a few of my favorite images below, but you can find all of the pictures (indexed by dog) at Prints and Digital Downloads are available for purchase there. I'm looking forward to working with Eric and his clients more in the future. In fact we have another event already planned for December 4th. Please consider joining us for some supervised play at the Riverpark Off Leash Dog Park on December 4th at 10:00 AM. Eric will be there with some special treats for each participant and he will also be available to give you some tips and tricks on how to improve your relationship with your pet. I will be there ready to create [...]

2010-11-25T21:04:06-07:00By |Pet Photography|