Fine Art Photography

Black and White Photography Challenge

I was challenged by another photographer friend to participate in a personal project in which I published 1 new black and white image on Facebook each day for 5 days, and also challenged another photographer to do the same.

2020-11-16T15:23:44-07:00By |Fine Art Photography|

Fine Art from the Farm

I have been a contributing photography artist at Farmboy Fine Arts for several years. Farmboy is an "international art consultancy firm that cultivates art collections for the hospitality, healthcare

2013-02-25T10:28:44-07:00By |Fine Art Photography|

Total Lunar Eclipse

Here is a sneak peek at a few images I created this morning during the total lunar eclipse. I got up bright and early and dragged my family out to Scotsman's Hill (near the Ramsay community association) to watch the moon settle down over the Calgary skyline.

2016-03-18T22:25:11-06:00By |Fine Art Photography|