Monthly Archives: September 2011

Product Showcase – Framed Prints

Framed Prints I have previously mentioned some of the framing options that I have available through an arrangement with Time Frames Custom Picture Framing. These frames are still available and I highly recommend them to all my portrait clients. Please ask if you would like to see samples of the mouldings or the mats. Or better yet call Karen and make an appointment. She can help you choose a custom design that will go perfect with your print! For those of you that have asked about additional ready-to-order choices I have recently added another line of really great frames. These come fully assembled with acrylic (aka plexiglass) and hanging hardware, are available in a variety of sizes and colors, and include your choice of mat color. Sizes and Options You can choose from 2” Black, Cherry, Bronze and Iron mouldings, 1-1/4” White and Onyx mouldings, and 2-3/4” Toffee Crunch or Rum Raisin mouldings. All frames are available in 11x14, 10x20 (Panoramic), 12x18, 16x16, 16x20, and 20x24 sizes. There are seven mat color options, including Double White, Black, Blue, Brown, Cream, Dark Green, and Light Green. All mats are acid free and archival. Mats are available with a variety of opening sizes for each frame size. Multi-opening mats are also available upon request. I have samples of all of the mouldings and mats available if you would like to see or feel them! Availability Framed prints are available for select galleries in the client area of the website now, and will gradually be rolled out to the remaining galleries shortly. If you do not see them in your gallery please ask about pricing and I would be happy to help you out. As with all print [...]

2011-09-19T17:00:30-06:00By |Product|

Recent Images from the Summer

It has been a very busy summer and I really haven't been able to take the time to do the regular posts on the site that I would normally do. While preparing the newsletter that goes out today (click to subscribe to the newsletter) I knew that I really wanted to show off some of work I've been doing recently, but there was just too much to show and to talk about it all in one email. So instead I created a collage with some of my favorite images from the last few months. Here are all of those images and you can click on each one to see them in their full glory!

2014-04-01T22:46:29-06:00By |Portrait Photography|

Now Booking Fall Portrait Sessions

It's never too early to book a fall portrait session for your family, especially when fall in Calgary is just around the corner! I know it's only just the beginning of September, but fall can land in Calgary anytime in mid-September and the fall colors may only last until mid-October. Last year we had a glorious fall and the fall colours lasted well into November, but you never know if that's going to happen again this year or not! So far it looks like we are in fact having another late summer in Calgary, but you'd be better off safe than sorry, so book your family fall portrait sitting now! I have only a limited number of weekend sessions available in the next few weeks, so please don't wait to call. If you have a specific time or location that you'd like to meet please feel free to ask. Note that I am a custom portrait photographer and I do everything I can to ensure that every photography session is perfect. One way that I do that is by only booking one portrait session in the morning and one session in the afternoon on available weekend dates. I don't cram sessions in one after the other, and therefore I only have a limited number of fall portrait sessions available this year... Call me now at 403-615-3708 to schedule your Calgary Fall Portrait Photography Session.

2011-09-06T00:18:39-06:00By |Portrait Photography|