Monthly Archives: August 2011

Finding David | Bellewether Album Release Party

Readers of my blog may remember that I did a creative photo session with Calgary based Indie Pop and Rock band Bellewether a few months ago... Well the images have finally been put to use! There are photos of the band on their website, Facebook, and MySpace pages, and they also used one of the creative portraits on the cover of the album. I was excited to learn that they basically used the image as-is, without making any major changes to it after I provided it to them! The Album Release Party is this Saturday night: Date: Saturday August 6, 2011 (Doors open at 07:00) Location: Quality Hotel Airport, 4804 Edmonton Trail N.E., Calgary, AB, T2E 3V8 You can buy tickets in advance at the Bellewether website, or try to get lucky and get them at the door on Saturday. You can see more of the images from my portrait session with the band at the following article: Bellewether Album Cover Shoot

2011-08-04T14:57:25-06:00By |Portrait Photography|

Steven Owad | Author Headshots

I had the pleasure of creating headshots for Steven Owad recently. Steven is a local crime novelist who has 2 published books to his credit. He is currently working on another book (Hard Currency, coming in June of 2012) and he needed some new portraits for use on his website and marketing materials. The image(s) will also be used for the cover of the new book. We had a fun creative portrait session and made lots of great images for Steve to choose from. Some of them were done on a white backdrop to make them easier to "cut out" from the background. You can see these images in use on Steven's updated website... Here are a few of my favorites:

2011-08-03T15:51:12-06:00By |Business|