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Free Desktop Wallpaper for March 2019 – Trumpeter Swan

This month's calendar features a Trumpeter Swan in the Bow River near Carburn Park in SE Calgary. Migration season is just around the corner but with the extreme cold weather that we've had for weeks in Calgary this bird seems to be a little overly optimistic. Having siad that it didn't seem to be bothered by the cold at all and was happily eating and preening in the water.

2020-11-16T10:59:06-07:00By |Wallpaper|

Free Desktop Wallpaper for February 2019 – Bragg Creek Moose

This month's calendar features a cow moose that I came across out near West Bragg Creek. Interestingly there is a "Moose Crossing" warning sign just down the road from this spot. That never happens! I had actually seen a cow and a calf in the same place about a week earlier and so it's possible that this is the same cow. There was no sign of the calf on this trip though.

2020-11-16T10:59:08-07:00By |Wallpaper|