Photobooths at a Calgary Stampede Lunch
We provided 2 separate Stampede themed Photobooths for the guests of the Eighth Avenue Place Stampede Lunch to show off their Stampede outfits.
We provided 2 separate Stampede themed Photobooths for the guests of the Eighth Avenue Place Stampede Lunch to show off their Stampede outfits.
I recently had the privilege to attend a private meeting between organizing expert Peter Walsh and the Calgary Chapter of Professional Organizers in Canada
The annual Calgary Stampede is less than 70 days away; Stampede breakfasts, BBQ's, networking events, and corporate parties are all being booked as we speak.
I volunteered my time at a recent charity fundraiser hosted by my friend Sarah Wingert in support of the Kids Cancer Care Foundation of Alberta.
A custom photobooth with on-site printing at the Gowlings Calgary annual employee Christmas party at Belgo. We created posed portraits of each couple or group