Monthly Archives: March 2012

Ready for a Winter Portrait Session?

Snowshoeing at Lake Minnewanka Outdoor Family Portrait Sessions in Calgary We've had a wacky winter here in Calgary and it's been pretty hard to convince anyone that we should go outside for a Family Portrait Session. The simple truth is that I love to shoot outdoors all year round and the weather has to be pretty terrible to stop me. But I also have to go where my clients want me to go, and when the weather is wishy washy, not really winter but also not really nice, then they usually don't want to go outside... But now that we have a beautiful blanket of fresh snow covering all the dirt and muck there's no better time to get outside for a Family Portrait Session. Call Sean at 403-615-3708 to book your session today. Book a Family Portrait Session 5 Reasons to Book an Outdoor Session Right Now If you're still not entirely convinced then have a quick look at this article by a portrait photographer friend of mine from Alaska: 5 Reasons to have a Snow Session in the Spring The reasons for booking an outdoor family photography session right now apply equally well in Calgary as they do in Fairbanks! Book a Portrait Photography Session Book a Family Portrait Session Book a Commercial Photographer Book a Calgary Headshots Session

2016-03-24T10:41:22-06:00By |Family, Lifestyle|